Title: Scarlett Fever (Book 2)
Author: Maureen Johnson
Released: February 1st 2010
Published by: Point
Pages: 336
Where to purchase:
IndieBound B&N Borders Books A Million
Book Depository
Summary from Maureen’s site: (Warning: Since this is book 2, there may be spoilers.)
Faced with her family’s financial woes, Scarlett has taken on the job of assistant/indentured servant to a newly minted theatrical agent, professional eccentric Mrs. Amy Amberson. Scarlett ends up at the beck and call of a Broadway star (her own age!), dealing with territorial doormen, and walking a small dog with insecurity issues – all while starting her sophomore year at one of New York’s most rigorous high schools.
Meanwhile, her older brother Spencer has become New York City’s most controversial TV villain, her ever-reliable older sister Lola is sliding off the rails, and her younger sister Marlene, most worryingly, has suddenly become… nice. But somehow Scarlett will prevail… right?
(For more info, click
Scarlett Fever gives us an even more in depth look at the relationships of the Martin siblings. My favorite of characters are back as engaging as before, not to mention a few new characters who add to the insanity that is Scarlett’s life. Scarlett might be telling the story, but Spencer, yet again, steals the show.
There isn't a lot of down time, keeping it pretty fast paced. As things keep piling up on Scarlett, I kept wondering what else could go wrong that would leave a mess that Scarlett would have to clean up.
I am always impressed with how Scarlett handles no matter what life throws at her.
Oh, and be sure to watch out for that pesky cliff hanger.